"Mesothelioma - Pneumoconiosis - Asbestos Center" is a non-profit organization, which consults for asbestos-related disease victims and their families nationwide. Also, we suggest avoiding asbestos exposure in the air, study about asbestos problems and examine existed asbestos in our environment.
(Asbestos-related diseases are malignant pleural mesothelioma, malignant peritoneal mesothelioma, malignant pericardial mesothelioma, asbestos-related lung cancer, benign asbestos pleuritis and diffuse pleural thickening.)
On 16th December in 2003, the foundation ceremony of our center was held. Since then, over 300 of telephone consultations have been recorded.
In addition to our center, several experienced organizations such as, "Pneumoconiosis and Asbestos Victims' Relief Fund", "Tokyo Occupational Safety and Health Center", "Kanagawa Occupational Safety and Health Center", "Kansai Occupational Safety and Health Center", "Ehime Occupational Safety and Health Center", "Japan Occupational Safety and Health Resource Center" and "Ban Asbestos Network Japan", also reply inquiries about workers' compensation problems due to occupational diseases above.
In particular, doctors of "Yokosuka Central Clinic", "Hirano Kameido Himawari Clinic" and "Sugiura Clinic" relief concerns with mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases.
Also, experiences and knowledge from "Japan Citizen's Network for Wiping out Asbestos" are necessary for solving general asbestos issues in the environment.